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- Mr Bagnall's Broadcast
- Mrs Sparks' Office Remarks
- Mr Chrimes' Comments
- Mrs MacLean's Memo's
- Mrs Papadopoff's Ponderings
- Understanding ADHD: Support for Parents in Perth by Mrs Rees
- Chaplain’s Chatter
- Support a Reader Program
- P&C News
- West Perth Football Club Clinics by Mr Wulff
- Levels of Playground Behaviour at Alkimos Primary School
- Term Dates 2025
- Attendance
- Story Dog Volunteers for 2025
- Community News

This term has been fantastic so far, and I have loved seeing all of those students that have come to the office to show off their amazing work! This week, I have had lots of visitors from Year 1 showing off their reading and spelling skills, as well as lots of Year 3’s last week showing off their persasive and narrative writing tasks; they were great!
It has also been great seeing so many people attending our assemblies, and around the school at the end of the day; as mentioned at this morning assembly, it was also incredible to see that amount of support that our P&C got last week to assist with running the colour run last week! I think that this event received the highest amount of support, and I’d like to thank those that assisted, as well as inviting anyone able and interested to join our hardworking P&C this year to keep being able to offer these fantastic opportunities to our students!
Swimming Lessons
Next week, notes will come regarding Swimming lessons. Whilst originally planned to be home already, we have been a little hesitant to do so to date. With these notes, you will notice some key information regarding permission notes and payment has changed since 2023 when we last did lessons.
This primary revolves around us requesting permission notes returned ASAP, however we are asking that payment not be made until further notice, with this likely being the very start of Term 2.
My reasoning around making this change is quite simple, we have every intent in taking part in DoE swimming lessons this year, and have completed planning around this taking place as per our allocation. At the back of my mind though is the information that some schools this term have had their allocations adjusted or changed significantly due to shortages of Swimming Instructors. Lessons times are usually confirmed 1-2 weeks before starting, so I’d prefer to hold off collecting money until closer the time, just in case we are impacted.
Should you have any questions around this, please feel free to contact me.
Parent use of toilets / Playgrounds before and after school
Just a brief reminder that playgrounds around the school are out of bounds before and after school, as there is no supervision by staff at these times and they are covered under the agreement that we have with Atlantis as being available for their use at these times.
Also, there have been a few instances of parents entering the student toilets before or after school. Can I please remind everyone that student toilets are not to be used by adults or entered by adults supporting younger children. If you need to take a younger child to the toilet, or use it yourself, the disabled toilet on the side of the library (next to grassed area) is available for your use.
Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN Testing
This week and next week, our Year 3 and Year 5 students are taking part in NAPLAN testing. The students have done really well with these this week, and tackled with a really positive mindset of ‘doing the best that they can’.
As always, when the results of NAPLAN come back, please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any concerns. It has always been my position that NAPLAN is useful for giving a whole school snapshot of where we need to focus, but a true reflection of where your child is at is usually better reflected from the classroom work and assessments that teachers gather regularly and moderate with other teachers to ensure consistency.
Results are usually available for families during Term 3.
I hope that everyone has a great week, and I look forward to seeing everyone around the school over the next few weeks!
Tom Bagnall
Acting Principal

Dear Families,
We are now over the hallway mark of term 1, I hope all our new students have settled into Alkimos.
Brekkie Club
Please remember Brekkie Club (Thursday) club starts 07:40am in the art room, some students are arriving after 8am and it’s a rush for them to eat and tidy up before 08:20. All are welcome, I look forward to seeing your children.
We have noticed an increase in female students wearing ‘bike shorts’ and leggings. Please note that as per the School Uniform Policy and Dress Code, these are only to be worn under dresses and skirts and not just with a T-shirt. – Thank you for your cooperation with this.
- Navy yoke skirt with undershorts or skort with school polo shirt.
- School A-line dress.
- Navy track pants or bootleg pants with school polo shirt.
- In colder months a navy jacket or school zip jacket with a school logo may be worn over the above.
- School hat.
- Leggings and tights may be worn in colder months. These must be navy blue (not patterned or coloured) and be worn under dresses, skirts or skorts.
- If wearing a skirt or dress, girls are encouraged to wear navy or black sports knickers.
Where a student breaches the School Uniform and Dress Code, a letter will be sent home with the student. Repeated breaches may result in loss of Good Standing.
I have attached the full policy
Statement of account
Statements of student accounts will be issued next week. It is Department policy that we send this home.
Voluntary Contributions 2025
Thank you to those families who have already paid their voluntary contribution, either directly to the school or via the Campion booklist This really does go along way and ensure we can provide all incursions at no cost. This payment equates to .75c per day for your child.
I would like to advise that the $30 contribution is Voluntary and can always be paid in a number of ways.
In cash, in person or over the phone via EFT
By direct transfer to our bank account BSB 066 058 A/C 1029 3855 Stating your child’s name and Voluntary Contribution as the reference. Payment plans are always offered, just call in to see me in the office.
Here is a breakdown of voluntary contributions received to date for 2025
Primary Students |
$3565 |
23% |
Pre-Primary Students |
$660 |
27.5% |
Kindergarten Students |
$1080 |
44.44% |
Overall 26.20%
Competition Time !!!!
We will be having a draw at the end of term to win one of 6 gift vouchers valued at $25. All those who have either paid their Contributions in full or started a plan before 10 April 25 will automatically go into the draw. Good Luck
Kind regards
Sara Sparks
Manager Corporate Services

Halfway Through the Term Already!
I can’t believe we’re already halfway through the term! Everyone has settled back into their routines, and it’s been wonderful to see so much enthusiasm in the classrooms and playground.
A big well done to our Year 3 and Year 5 students who have started their NAPLAN assessments this week. You are all doing an amazing job, and we’re so proud of your effort and positive attitudes. Keep up the great work!
Of course, we can’t forget the highlight of the term so far—the Colour Run on March 7! It was an incredible day filled with laughter, energy, and LOTS of colours. As always, it was a messy but unforgettable event. It didn’t take me too long to wash the green slime out of my hair… but I think some of us might still have a little colour left, yes Mr Alexandre……??
Mr. Chrimes
Associate Principal

The term is flying by! I have been enjoying spending time in our early childhood classrooms getting to know our lovely new Kindy students and working with our Pre-Primary students. Each week they amaze me with their learning.
Medical Updates
Mrs McGregor has been busy updating all of our medical information and making sure we have the correct information to ensure we can support our students quickly and appropriately when needed. We have noticed that a number of our Asthma and Anaphylaxis plans a due to be renewed. Over the next few weeks we will be contacting you if this applies to your child. If there are ever any changes to your child’s medical support needs, please notify the school office immediately so we can update our records.
Allergy Awareness
The most common causes of anaphylaxis in schools are allergies to food and insects (bees). Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can be life threatening. At Alkimos we are an ‘Allergy Aware’ school. As an ‘allergy aware’ school, our aim is to inform staff, parents and students about the risks of allergies, with a focus on food allergies, and also to provide a supportive environment in which children at risk of anaphylaxis can feel safe.
What is Allergy Aware?
Allergy Aware means having many things in place to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction and to recognise and treat an allergic reaction well when it occurs.
Ways for schools to be Allergy Aware:
- Know who is at risk of anaphylaxis and what they are allergic to
- Train staff
- Have anaphylaxis policies and documentation
- Good communication about allergies
- Have emergency response plans and practise them
- Age-appropriate education about allergies and helping friends
- Reduce risk with measures such as handwashing and not sharing food.
We ask you to support students at risk of anaphylaxis by:
- Teaching your child not to share food with friends that have food allergy.
- Encouraging your child to wash their hands after eating.
- Asking your child to get help immediately if their friend with food allergy gets sick.
- Explaining to your child that teasing a child with an allergy is not acceptable behaviour.
With community support, our school can provide a safe environment that meets the needs of all our students. If you have any queries in relation to this matter, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office.
For more information on how you can support someone with anaphylaxis, you can visit:
Kirstin MacLean

This newsletter I thought I would share how we plan for students who are Neurodiverse in our school.
Every young person is different, and we need to get to know them individually, to support them effectively at school.
It is now known that autism is no longer represented by a linear spectrum and that autism is actually much more diverse. Our knowledge about autism reflects an ongoing dialogue with the autistic community and research that continues to inform our understanding.
The Diversity Wheel is comprised of six areas that contribute to the life of a young person. This was adapted from the 'wheel' by Rebecca Burgess, an autistic cartoonist.
The Diversity Wheel is adapted from Rebecca Burgess, 2019
The areas relate to each other and guide us when we are thinking about the strengths, support needs and levels of independence of young autistic people in different situations, like home, school and in the community.
The outer edge of the circle indicates a young person has strong levels of independence or is able to access supports that enable them to engage independently in that environment.
The inner section of the circle indicates that additional strategies and adjustments are needed to support that young person in that particular environment.
Understanding these key areas related to a student’s independence, strengths and support needs is important and helps us build a picture of how we can effectively support them in the classroom.
The level of support that students may require will depend on the different environments they encounter throughout the day. In some environments, students may be able to work with a high level of independence, while in others, they will need strategies and supports in place. Changes within environments will also impact on student needs, such as who they are with, what they are doing, what they are feeling and the time of day.
I hope you have a great weekend and do not hesitate to come and have a chat anytime.
Kind regards,
Understanding ADHD: Support for Parents in Perth by Mrs Rees
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects a child’s ability to focus, regulate impulses, and manage energy levels. While every child is unique, common signs of ADHD include difficulty sustaining attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, which can impact learning and daily activities.
In Australia, ADHD diagnosis in children is conducted by qualified professionals such as Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Paediatricians and Clinical Psychologists. Psychologists can provide a diagnosis, but if medication is considered as part of the treatment plan, a Paediatrician, Psychiatrist or Neurologist is required to prescribe and manage medication. The Western Australian Labor Government is exploring a new pathway allowing General Practitioners (GPs) to diagnose and prescribe ADHD medication.
Steps to seek help with ADHD assessment:
If you suspect your child may have ADHD, here are some steps to help you navigate the process:
- Consult your GP: Begin by discussing your concerns with your GP. They can provide initial guidance and refer you to appropriate specialists.
- Private assessment services: If public services have long waiting times, consider seeking a private practice that offers ADHD assessments. These services may offer fast access to diagnosis and support.
For parents, navigating ADHD can feel overwhelming, but there are several support resources available in Perth to help families better understand and manage the condition.
Local Support Services:
- ADHD WA – A not-for-profit organization providing support groups, parent education workshops, and professional guidance. Visit
- HelpingMinds – Offers free support services for families and caregivers of children with ADHD. More information at
- Complex Attention and Hyperactivity Disorders Service (CAHDS): A statewide service supporting children, young people, and families with attention and behavioural challenges. Offers parent workshops for those with ADHD. Website: CAHDS
- Peel ADHD Parent Support: Provides education and guidance to parents of children with ADHD, with monthly support sessions both in-person and online. Website: Peel ADHD Support
- ADHD Australia: A national charity improving the lives of people with ADHD. Website: ADHD Australia
- ADHD Foundation Australia: Provides a helpline for ADHD support. Website: ADHD Foundation
- Thriving with ADHD: A resource hub for parents and individuals with ADHD. Website: Thriving with ADHD
These services offer valuable support through information sessions, parenting programs, support groups, and coaching to assist parents in navigating ADHD.
Renee Rees
School Psychologist

Good Day Everyone
Hope you are all seizing the moments, as time is racing ahead.
Once a week students can book in to have lunch with the chaplain for some social connections by exploring the fidgets, toys and games in the chaplain’s room. It has been wonderful to get to know some new faces this term.
I have noticed not many students know what a chaplain is:
What is a school chaplain and what do they do?
YouthCARE chaplains care for the social, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of students, families, and staff in state school communities throughout Western Australia. Chaplains are there to listen compassionately, refer to extra help where necessary and run programs which not only address issues but create positive cultures within schools.
A chaplain builds relationships with students, parents and staff to be a trusted listening ear in times of need. Confidentiality is important in all pastoral care situations, unless a situation may hurt them or someone else, in which case, will be reported to the principal as required by the Department of Education and by law
A chaplain empowers people and assist them to build resilience to work through challenges, whether it is a change in their family, a loss, trouble with emotional regulation or some mental health challenges.
A chaplain is there to help when things aren’t going well, to be a supportive safe person to encourage and to offer hope.
In every newsletter I try to promote *links to some great services or resources that can be helpful to parents and students.
*Chaplain links:
Alkimos Support a Reader Program
Are you able to volunteer some of your time to assist with Reading?
The aim of the Support a Reader Program is to give children who need additional assistance with their reading the opportunity to read regularly with a supportive adult on a one-to-one basis.
We would like to invite parent volunteers to be involved in this very valuable program next term. A commitment of one hour per week would be required. Full training will be given prior to the commencement of the program.
Please see Mrs Cottam (ECE6) to register your interest or leave your details and availability with the ladies in the office.
It is hard to believe we are already half way through Term 1. There is lots going on behind the scenes getting ready for the rest of this terms fundraisers as well as plenty of planning for the rest of the year.
Monty’s Colour Fun Run
Wow what a day we had last Friday! Thank you so much to all who participated and helped to make our Monty’s Colour Fun Run a huge success! A total of $14,557.70 was raised for our school.
There were lots of smiles to be seen and colour everywhere! A huge thank you to all our volunteers who helped make this day a success.
Now that the fundraiser has closed, prizes have been processed and will be sent directly to the school for distribution.
Thank you again to everyone for helping us support our school!
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
The P&C will be holding a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Sunday, 23 March. We are looking for volunteers who would be happy to donate a couple of hours of their time to help us with cooking and serving on the day, so if you can spare the 2 hours, please sign up to volunteer at
We are also looking for donations of items for our sausage sizzle. Items we are looking for are: onions, sauces, soft drink cans, water, napkins & paper towel. If you are able to assist, please contact us at
Term 1 events:
23 Mar – Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
7 Apr – Easter Colouring competition entries due
8 Apr – Subway lunch (Kindy Green)
10 Apr – Subway lunch (Whole School)
11 Apr – Easter Raffle drawn
Easter Colouring Competition winners announced
Don’t forget to keep an eye out on our socials for information regarding all our events!
Kind regards,
Alkimos Primary School P&C
Facebook: alkimospandc
Instagram: #alkpnc
West Perth Football Club Clinics by Mr Wulff
Alkimos PS will be hosting West Perth FC for some football clinics next Friday.
This is the perfect opportunity for students to see what AFL is like.
The Brighton Seahawks are our nearest AFL club, so if your child loves playing AFL, you will have the opportunity to sign up and register for the season with the Seahawks. You will also be able to ask questions about the club and the season.
We look forward to seeing AFL within our school!
Mr Wulff
Physical Education Teacher
Term 1 |
(holidays Saturday 12th April – Sunday 27th April) |
Term 2 |
(holidays Saturday 5th July – Sunday 20th July) |
Term 3 |
(holidays Saturday 27th Sept – Sunday 12th October) |
Term 4 |
(holidays Friday 19th Dec – Monday 2nd February 26) |
School Development Days (Subject to Change) Friday 30th May (Week 5, Term 2) Friday 29th August (Week 6, Term 3) Friday 14th November (Week 5, Term 4) |
Attendance Every Day
At Alkimos Primary we know that attending school every day enables your child to get the most from their education and create a bright future. This helps them create more opportunities for their future and leads to better health, social and work outcomes. Every day your child learns something new at school. Every day they build on what they already know, growing their knowledge and skills.
While the majority of our students miss school for legitimate reasons such as illness, we do have a concerning amount of unexplained student absences.
This term, teaching staff will be contacting families to follow up on any remaining unexplained absences. It is a Department of Education requirement that schools follow up on absences and record the reasons for these. If your child is absent, please let the class teacher or school office know the reason why they have been away from school as soon as possible. Thank you to those who are notifying the school regarding their child’s absences in a timely manner. You can do this via email, phone call, letter to the teacher or using the Schoolzine app, ‘SZapp’ that can be downloaded from the school website:
Where a student’s attendance falls below 90%, it is classed as ‘at risk’ by the Department of Education. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please discuss these with the class teacher or contact Mrs MacLean in the office.